Posts tagged Catholic Mama
HEAL with Dr. Bob Schuchts of the John Paul II Healing Center

“Healing happens organically as love is being expressed,” says Dr. Bob Schuchts of the John Paul II Healing Center 

In this mini-retreat in a podcast, Dr. Bob shares how important it is to listen and be attentive to what spiritual practices the Holy Spirit is drawing you to this Lent--so the Divine Physician can bless you with healing.

As we look at our patterns of sin and chronic wounds we have carried with us for a long time, we must remember God sees us in our wholeness. And remember that we cannot fix our own brokenness; however, we can name it and bring it to Jesus for healing.  

Dr. Bob shares stories, including when he had a panic attack and realized his own need for healing. As Dr. Bob engaged in the healing process, he learned that beneath his anxiety was abandonment from his parents’ divorce. The pain in his heart began to heal through the love of God and he forgave his parents. Healing is a life-long journey that we all need to engage in.  

Pope Benedict XVI said, “Whoever truly wishes to heal man must see him in his wholeness and must know that his ultimate healing can only be God’s love.” 

May we bring all of ourselves to God this Lent, to discover the healing touch of The One who loves us completely. 

Learn more about Dr. Bob Schuchts, the John Paul II Healing Center and additional opportunities for healing at

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Merry Christmas to YOU! with Host Lindy Wynne and Her Youngest Daughter

Wishing you and your family a blessed Christmas!

Mamas in Spirit will return on March 6th, 2025 for Season 7.

Subscribe now! 

May God bless you and yours, always. 

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Navigating Friendships with Dr. Mary Ruth Hackett

Has a friend hurt you or left you out? 

Dr. Mary Ruth Hackett was just about to leave for a party hosted by a dear friend when she received a text—Mary Ruth’s friend asked her to come a little later, because she was running behind.

Mary Ruth pulled up social media to pass time and was surprised to see a live photo posted by her friend. The image showed the host and many of Mary Ruth’s friends gathered around her friend’s table eating dinner. It turned out that the party was already in full swing.

In reality, Mary Ruth realized she was on the B List and was the only one of all her friends to be invited to the “after party.”

Mary Ruth was crushed.

Yet, while incredibly difficult, Mary Ruth chose to dig deep into this experience to better understand herself, her friendships and God’s hopes for her. 

In this Advent Podcast Mary Ruth shares the wisdom she learned about sisterhood in Christ and the healing grace of God.

Learn how God blessed Mary Ruth with a new heart to love and friendships deeply rooted in Christ.

Discover how you can receive the beautiful gift of sisterhood in Christ, too!

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Beauty Begins Within with O'Maria Akpati of Beauty Unbound

What is beauty?

This is the question O’Maria Akpati answers in this week’s Advent Podcast.

As a former celebrity makeup artist, O’Maria discovered that beauty had nothing to do with the exterior. She found that when celebrities used makeup to become more beautiful, their self-esteem decreased. 

O'Maria left her job and discerned becoming a Discalced Carmelite for two years. During this time, God revealed to O'Maria her personal mission: to help women become “Godfident” in their God-given beauty.

Listen to O’Maria’s personal story of conversion--and discover how God is calling you to embrace your God-given beauty, too!

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From Abuse to Restoration with Lisa Martinez of Little with Great Love

Lisa Martinez was incredibly anxious and fearful as a child, but neither Lisa nor her parents understood why.

When Lisa attended her freshman year of college at Franciscan University—a place Lisa and many others refer to as a "field hospital” for souls—Lisa discovered why she had been consumed by such angst and fear.

Lisa experienced flashbacks of sexual abuse as a young child. She finally knew what she had been carrying.

Listen as Lisa takes us on a sensitive journey of the soul, culminating in Christ’s miraculous healing through prayer, contemplation, EMDR therapy, Catholic retreats and more.

If you or someone you love is the victim of abuse, know that healing is possible! Learn more about Lisa at ( Reach out to get connected to resources at

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Let it Be for Christ with Abby Davis

Abby Davis received a call. Within thirty minutes of hanging up the phone, there was a social worker on her front porch holding a baby girl.

Abby and her husband would care for this little girl for many months to follow, not knowing if they would adopt her or just care for her for a little while.

Abby’s heart was filled with love for this precious child, yet was also breaking at the possibility of being separated from her.

Abby would rock the baby and pray:

“Whether you stay or whether you go, let it be for Christ.“

This little girl, as well as two boys, are now the adopted children of Abby and her husband Cameron.

Listen to this mini-retreat in a podcast and imagine how your life can be more fully for Christ, too.

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Surrendering My Perfectionism with Colleen Carroll Campbell

Still reverberating in Colleen Carroll Campbell’s heart are an older mom’s words of wisdom from 15 years ago: “I don’t know if there is room for perfectionism in any other part of life, but I know this: there is no room for it in motherhood.”

Colleen had done her best to achieve flawlessness during her ambitious career, including a job as the American president’s speech writer.  But it wasn’t until hearing the wise mom’s words about motherhood that Colleen realized her own struggle with perfectionism.

God began changing Colleen that morning and continues to transform her to this day. While she strives to do her best for the greater glory of God, Colleen has learned to let go and trust she is in God’s hands.

And she has discovered that there is no better place to be. 

Listen to this inspiring “mini-retreat in a podcast” and allow yourself to surrender into the arms of Merciful Jesus, too. 

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My Heart was Broken and Put Back Together with Stacey Sumereau

Stacey Sumereau is on a healing journey.

Stacey was pregnant with her third child when she had a placental abruption--Baby Honora (Nora) was born early by emergency C-section. 

Stacey's heart broke into pieces as she watched her baby go through what seemed like endless life-saving procedures. The final breaking point was when Stacey and her husband were told they needed to say goodbye. 

Miraculously, Nora survived.  

Over time, Stacey moved beyond her trauma and into prayerful silence. God created a much stronger heart in Stacey as He put the pieces of her heart back together. 

Listen to this inspiring story of surrender and let God heal any broken pieces of your heart, too. 

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Good for the Body, Good for the Soul with Beth Bubik, Catholic Fasting Coach

Do you struggle with your body?

“The Catholic Fasting Coach” Beth Bubik understands and can help you.

As a child, Beth thought that her worthiness was tied to her weight. By the time she was in fifth grade she was dieting.

It wasn’t until Beth discovered spiritual fasting—fasting that incorporates both the body and soul—that she was transformed.

Beth knows we have to fast for a deep spiritual purpose in order for it to be life-changing.

Listen and discover how to care for both your body and soul.

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Stay Alert and Sober with Amy Cara

“Stay alert and sober”

As Amy Cara heard these words while in church, she knew God was speaking directly to her. 

Soon thereafter, Amy fell asleep early one evening after drinking and heard the distant cries of her toddler.

The next morning Amy flipped through the phone book and found Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).

After nineteen years of sobriety, Amy has learned:

“We don’t need to live with these particular inclinations we may have that are outside of God’s will. There is help. God is the Restorer. He’s the Healer.”

Listen as Amy shares about addictions, stigmas, masks and ultimately the miraculous healing work of God. And learn about a whole new level of restoration God may just have in store for you.

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The Great Cry with Kathy Schmugge of the Diocese of Charleston

When Kathy Schmugge found out her baby didn’t have a heartbeat at about twelve weeks, she went out to her car and cried “The Great Cry.” In that moment Kathy mourned her baby in her womb, as well as previous babies lost. 

Kathy felt held--she knew she was in the arms of God.

Kathy offers grief support through the Office of Family Life in the Diocese of Charleston, South Carolina. Yet what makes her work so effective is that Kathy is a living witness to how to navigate grief close to God. 

Kathy says, "A lot of people run from grief. Do it the way you need to do it. But don’t run away from it."

In this joy-filled and inspiring podcast, Kathy shares specific pieces of advice to help you grieve in the way you most need to with God. From stories of pregnancy loss to elder care to the death of her parents, Kathy will bless you with understanding, healing and hope.

Learn more about Kathy's work at


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The Miracle Of Going Home with Elaine Drabik

Elaine Drabik was rushed to the hospital after an unexpected seizure. Unknowingly, she had a virus resulting in a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) that left Elaine's family uncertain if she would survive. 

Elaine and her family were blessed with a miracle. While doctors were uncertain if Elaine would ever be well enough to go home, Elaine miraculously returned home on her youngest child's first birthday. She'd healed more than her doctors had even hoped.  

In this Lenten podcast, Elaine shares about the months of recovery in which she spent most of the time alone sleeping and resting due to severe headaches. Throughout these long months Elaine clung to Scripture, as well as the word she heard God speak to her in the hospital: "Okay." Somehow, Elaine knew she would be "okay."

Hear Elaine share how God transformed her heart throughout this tremendous trial. 

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Struggling with Your Reality? with Fr. Jon Meyer, Chaplain of Mamas in Spirit

Are you struggling to accept the crosses you carry? This Lenten podcast explores how difficult it can be to face long-term suffering due to circumstances such as death, addiction, broken relationships, illness, mental illness and more.

Father Jon Meyer (Chaplain) and Lindy Wynne (Host) delve into Luke 22:42 when Jesus asks God, "if you are willing, take this cup away from me."

We all have "cups of suffering" we want taken away. Father Jon and Lindy share situations in their own lives that left them wondering how they could possibly get through.

Yet they have learned through their suffering that when we open our hearts, surrender to the will of God and trust Jesus fully that God touches and transforms us with the completeness of His love.  


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