Posts tagged Catholic Podcast for Mamas
The Miracle Of Going Home with Elaine Drabik

Elaine Drabik was rushed to the hospital after an unexpected seizure. Unknowingly, she had a virus resulting in a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) that left Elaine's family uncertain if she would survive. 

Elaine and her family were blessed with a miracle. While doctors were uncertain if Elaine would ever be well enough to go home, Elaine miraculously returned home on her youngest child's first birthday. She'd healed more than her doctors had even hoped.  

In this Lenten podcast, Elaine shares about the months of recovery in which she spent most of the time alone sleeping and resting due to severe headaches. Throughout these long months Elaine clung to Scripture, as well as the word she heard God speak to her in the hospital: "Okay." Somehow, Elaine knew she would be "okay."

Hear Elaine share how God transformed her heart throughout this tremendous trial. 

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How My Kids in Addiction Brought me to Our Lady with Carol Berry of Celebrating the Saints

As Carol Berry of Celebrating the Saints sat in the silence of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, she felt drawn to an image of a woman she affectionately named "My Girl." 

Soon before being initiated into the Catholic Church, Carol learned "Her Girl" was Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Carol discovered a peace that could only be of God as she faced what seemed to be an insurmountable trial: two children suffering from addiction. Tragically, she lost her daughter to addiction last year and experienced God's profound mercy. 

Carol created Restoring Women’s Outreach, a 12-step based residential sober living program for women who are in search of recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. 

Carol works at St. Bernard’s Abbey in Cullman, Alabama and loves being on “monk time.”

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Struggling with Your Reality? with Fr. Jon Meyer, Chaplain of Mamas in Spirit

Are you struggling to accept the crosses you carry? This Lenten podcast explores how difficult it can be to face long-term suffering due to circumstances such as death, addiction, broken relationships, illness, mental illness and more.

Father Jon Meyer (Chaplain) and Lindy Wynne (Host) delve into Luke 22:42 when Jesus asks God, "if you are willing, take this cup away from me."

We all have "cups of suffering" we want taken away. Father Jon and Lindy share situations in their own lives that left them wondering how they could possibly get through.

Yet they have learned through their suffering that when we open our hearts, surrender to the will of God and trust Jesus fully that God touches and transforms us with the completeness of His love.  


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