Posts tagged Catholicism
Stay Alert and Sober with Amy Cara

“Stay alert and sober”

As Amy Cara heard these words while in church, she knew God was speaking directly to her. 

Soon thereafter, Amy fell asleep early one evening after drinking and heard the distant cries of her toddler.

The next morning Amy flipped through the phone book and found Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).

After nineteen years of sobriety, Amy has learned:

“We don’t need to live with these particular inclinations we may have that are outside of God’s will. There is help. God is the Restorer. He’s the Healer.”

Listen as Amy shares about addictions, stigmas, masks and ultimately the miraculous healing work of God. And learn about a whole new level of restoration God may just have in store for you.

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Should Our Faith be So "Heady?" with Ellie Hiller

While Ellie Hiller was raised in a beautiful home of faith and memorized Scripture, she wondered if her faith should be so much in her head. Something was missing.

Until God converted her heart.

When Ellie’s husband became Catholic and they lost their shared non-denominational practice, Ellie struggled. She armored herself in defensiveness and even listened to Matt Fradd’s podcast “Pints with Aquinas,” just so she could gain intellectual ammunition to defend her non-denominational viewpoints. 

Only God changed her.

Ellie was touched by Saint Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body, the Sacraments and physicality of the Catholic faith.

Listen to this joy-filled podcast and allow God to help you move out of your head and into your heart, too.

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Make Your Life a Beautiful Offering to God

Heidi Hess Saxton taught her children that their guardian angels only leave them once each week--it is during the Eucharist that they gather around the throne of Heaven and make their offerings of prayer.

Like our guardian angles, our lives are meant to be beautiful offerings to God.

In this podcast, listen to Heidi as she shares stories of her conversion and from her experience of motherhood, as well as wisdom that she has learned throughout her lifetime. (Heidi's children are all adopted and now adults!) 

Learn how to open your heart to the merciful touch of Christ and make your life a beautiful offering. 

Heidi’s newest book “Stories of the Eucharist: A Family Treasury of Saints and Seekers" is available now!     

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Glorifying God While Carrying a Cross with Lorraine Hess

Lorraine Hess was touring for her new album about glorifying God when she found out that her home had been severely damaged in a house fire. 

After returning home she felt drawn to Adoration.

While there, she heard God ask her, “Can you glorify me while you are carrying a cross?”

In this Easter podcast, hear how Lorraine was committed to glorifying God throughout the 20 months her family was displaced while fixing their home.

God sharpened Lorraine to stay in gratitude and recognize how people were watching her living witness.

Hear Lorraine sing about this experience in her song “A Heart That’s Been Purified” at the end of the podcast, and learn more about her at

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Love is Everything with Immaculée Ilibagiza

Immaculée Ilibagiza followed her father’s instructions and ran to her neighbor’s house to hide at the start of the Rwandan genocide. She spent the next three months huddled in a tiny bathroom with seven other women, while extremist members of another tribe tried to find and kill them. 

It was in this bathroom that Immaculée gave her heart to God and began to pray in a way she never had before—as she recited the words of the Rosary, peace veiled and healed her from the anger and fear that otherwise consumed her.  

When Immaculée finally left the bathroom at the end of the genocide, she learned that her parents, grandparents, siblings, 950 schoolmates and so many more had been murdered.

While Immaculée cried out for her loved ones, she sensed God holding her tight and telling her that her journey on Earth was not over. While her family was in heaven, she still had a mission.

Since that moment thirty years ago, Immaculée continues to wake up every day and ask the same question that echoed in her heart so long ago: How much can you love with what God has given you?

In this Easter podcast, learn that love is everything.

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Confident Expectation: Put All Your Trust in God with Michelle McCallum of A Common Life

"Have confident expectation of God."

When Michelle McCallum's mom spoke these words many years ago, Michelle had no idea they would hold such profound meaning for her when two of her own children were diagnosed with chronic illness (both with rare liver diseases and one with Crohn's Disease).

In this Easter podcast, Michelle talks about her choice to trust God--Michelle recognizes she has very little control over her life or the lives of her children and surrenders everything to Him.

Michelle shares how having a heart of gratitude, being real about both the difficulty and blessings of her everyday life and trusting God's abiding presence helps her to live in the peace and joy only God can give.

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After Alcohol: Finding Joy with Rachel, Member of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Rachel's husband was going to leave here and take their children with him. While Rachel had been deceiving her husband and hiding the extent of her drinking for some time, her recent car accident couldn't be explained away. She was caught.

In this Easter podcast, Rachel looks back on this moment as a gift from God--this was the "rock bottom" she needed to finally get help.

As Rachel engaged in the work needed to become and maintain sobriety, she discovered a greater joy than she could have ever imagined possible. 

Rachel has been an active member of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) for five years. 

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The Miracle Of Going Home with Elaine Drabik

Elaine Drabik was rushed to the hospital after an unexpected seizure. Unknowingly, she had a virus resulting in a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) that left Elaine's family uncertain if she would survive. 

Elaine and her family were blessed with a miracle. While doctors were uncertain if Elaine would ever be well enough to go home, Elaine miraculously returned home on her youngest child's first birthday. She'd healed more than her doctors had even hoped.  

In this Lenten podcast, Elaine shares about the months of recovery in which she spent most of the time alone sleeping and resting due to severe headaches. Throughout these long months Elaine clung to Scripture, as well as the word she heard God speak to her in the hospital: "Okay." Somehow, Elaine knew she would be "okay."

Hear Elaine share how God transformed her heart throughout this tremendous trial. 

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Struggling with Your Reality? with Fr. Jon Meyer, Chaplain of Mamas in Spirit

Are you struggling to accept the crosses you carry? This Lenten podcast explores how difficult it can be to face long-term suffering due to circumstances such as death, addiction, broken relationships, illness, mental illness and more.

Father Jon Meyer (Chaplain) and Lindy Wynne (Host) delve into Luke 22:42 when Jesus asks God, "if you are willing, take this cup away from me."

We all have "cups of suffering" we want taken away. Father Jon and Lindy share situations in their own lives that left them wondering how they could possibly get through.

Yet they have learned through their suffering that when we open our hearts, surrender to the will of God and trust Jesus fully that God touches and transforms us with the completeness of His love.  


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Segregated as a Child with Daisy Broughton

Miss Daisy Broughton was a child in Franklin, Tennessee during racial segregation. She tells stories of her experience and talks about how loving or hating a person has nothing to do with the color of their skin.

Miss Daisy shares, "People would say they loved Christ, but they disliked me because of the color of my skin. That's a contradiction, because Christ loved everybody."

Martin Luther King Junior's example and words speak deeply to Miss Daisy about the love of God and how we don't have to like everybody, but we do need to love everyone--each human person is a child of God.

Miss Daisy shares how the meaning of Advent is to prepare for Jesus to come into our hearts again.

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Combatting the Crisis of Masculinity with Father Jon Meyer and Brian Wynne

Father Jon Meyer, Chaplain of Mamas in Spirit and Brian Wynne explore the current crisis of masculinity in our culture. They share how manhood is a total gift of self with Saint Joseph as a model and Christ as the ultimate model.

Father Jon and Brian also talk about ways to combat the crisis of masculinity with specific suggestions: building men and boys up, encouraging men and boys to identify role models they can spend time with, encouraging men to attend men's retreats and small groups, praying for our men and encouraging them to pray with and for one another.

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Tethered by God's Love

Sarah Hart is a singer, songwriter, speaker, storyteller and producer who talks about how we are tethered by God’s love. This tethering is a gift from God and is experienced in our relationships through love, emotion, care and concern.

Sarah shares how she is always tethered to her daughters, even after they grew into adulthood. Sarah trusts God is with them and recognizes her love for them is most important.

Sarah talks about being stretched as she learned to accept she doesn’t have control over her adult children's decisions. This has taught Sarah how it is healthy for adult children to make mistakes and return to the Lord.

Sarah sings for listeners in this beautiful podcast.

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God Wants True Happiness for Us

Annette Bergeon, Executive Director of Endow (Educating on the Nature and Dignity of Women) shares about her search for true happiness.

As a child Annette noted how many of her family members were holding on to disappointments and traumas of life and, therefore, their unhappiness. After personally looking for happiness in degrees and career success, Annette found herself facing an interpersonal crisis: she wasn't truly happy.

Annette gave birth to twins and left her career. While she recognizes many women are called to both work and motherhood, she discovered through prayer that God was calling her to be a stay-at-home mom. Annette discovered true happiness was not found in titles, but in the intimacy of relationships and care of other souls.

Annette eventually joined a small group with Endow--Endow made such an impact on her life that she later began working with Endow and is now the Executive Director.

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A Christmas Special 2021

Merry Christmas from Mamas in Spirit! Listen to sweetness, songs and joy from Lindy's daughters in this final podcast from Season 3. New episodes will be released Lent 2022. May God bless you and yours, always!

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16 Months in a Detention Center

Amalia Molina Cortina and her husband were detained in a US Detention Center for 16 months while their children were at home alone. Hear how the religious volunteers gave Amalia hope and how she clung to God throughout her ordeal.

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On Fire with the Holy Spirit

This Pentecost, Father Jon Meyer shares how Christians are called to be on fire with the Holy Spirit--no exceptions. Father Jon Meyer is the Chaplain of Mamas in Spirit.

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Baptized at 42

Host Lindy Wynne's brother, Jamie Crane was just baptized at the 2021 Easter Vigil! Hear Jamie's moving testimony about saying "yes" to God and being initiated into the Catholic Church at forty-two years old.

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The Day Jesus Saved My Life

In this Advent podcast Roy Cooray shares how he could only remember one thing the day that Jesus saved his life. As he was being rushed into life-saving surgery his daughter whispered in his ear, "Hold Jesus on your right and Blessed Mother on your Left." Hear this miraculous story, learn about Roy's visions of the Blessed Mother and hold onto a hope beyond understanding. Themes explored are the Advent Season, Blessed Mother Mary, Jesus Christ, always living in hope, being generous to the poor and prayer.

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God's Mission for Our Family

The Hill family just welcomed their third foster child into their home. Listen to featured guest Lindsey Hill share how she witnesses God at work in the foster children, her own school-age children and family. Learn about the Hill family's call to share God's love with children in the most vulnerable of circumstances and the many ways you can support children in foster care!

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