Posts tagged Jesus Christ
Homeless and Hopeful with Charlie Vos

Charli Vos is experiencing homelessness and receiving help in city shelters.

Charli was raised in a violent and segregated town in Texas and experienced human trafficking as a child. She was abused from the time she was very young until she left her biological family when she was about thirty years old. Charli unknowingly had PTSD and utilized drugs and alcohol for many years to mentally escape her circumstances.

Charli hit rock bottom and started rehabilitation. She has been sober since 2013.

Charli attributes her miraculous healing to God and relies on her Catholic faith to navigate each day and share the love of God with others. Charli is grateful to have adopted the Holy Family as her own.

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Combatting the Crisis of Masculinity with Father Jon Meyer and Brian Wynne

Father Jon Meyer, Chaplain of Mamas in Spirit and Brian Wynne explore the current crisis of masculinity in our culture. They share how manhood is a total gift of self with Saint Joseph as a model and Christ as the ultimate model.

Father Jon and Brian also talk about ways to combat the crisis of masculinity with specific suggestions: building men and boys up, encouraging men and boys to identify role models they can spend time with, encouraging men to attend men's retreats and small groups, praying for our men and encouraging them to pray with and for one another.

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Losing My Beloved Daughter with Tamara Mariea

Tamara Mariea and her husband, Jude lost their daughter, Chloe in a tragic car accident two years ago. Chloe was twenty-four years old.

Tamara shares how she and her family continue to carried by Christ, Mary and the activity of their faith as they face this unimaginable loss and grief.

Tamara shares what God has revealed to her as she spends time in silence tending to her broken heart and searching to find God everywhere she turns.

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Creating the Beauty of Heaven with Vivian Imbruglia of Sacred Image Icons

Vivian Imbruglia of Sacred Image Icons shares how she was drawn to attend Adoration during her lunch hour many years ago. Vivian sat in silence and the Holy Spirit clearly told her to change her life. Vivian left her job that day, lost friends and had to find a new home. However, Vivian says that day saved her soul.

As a Sacred Artist and Iconographer, Vivian is very careful about how she spends her time, including what she watches and listens to. She recognizes that she can’t listen to worldly things if she going to try to create pieces of artwork reflective of Heaven

Vivian is passionate about the motto of the Society of Jesus, Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (For the Greater Glory of God). Vivian hopes to glorify God in everything she does.

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Holy Thursday: A Love So Great It Feels Undeserved

When Jesus told Simon Peter that he was going to wash the disciples’ feet in the Gospel of John, Simon Peter told Jesus that he would never let Jesus wash his feet. Yet once Simon Peter understood that he must let Jesus wash his feet in order to receive his inheritance and be with Jesus eternally, Simon agreed with all his heart.

Simon Peter felt undeserving of the humble act of love and example Jesus offered.

In this week's podcast, Brian and Lindy Wynne share moments in their marriage when they have received love from one another that they have felt undeserving of. Hear how Christ's example has helped Brian and Lindy to create a safe place of vulnerability with one another and, ultimately, discover more fully the meaning of Christ's sacrificial love.

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You Don't Have to Check Off Boxes to Be Loved

Karianna Frey felt like she had to check off boxes and change part of her identity to be truly Catholic and loved. Yet in Adoration God revealed to Karianna that He and His love are so much bigger than the ways we box Him in.

Karianna also explores how we box others in stemming from fear. However, it is in embracing our discomfort and reaching out to people different than us that we grow to learn our interconnectedness as God's human family.

Karianna's newest book is We are Beloved: 30 Days with Thea Bowman.

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Rekindling My Heart: Returning to the Catholic Church

Mallory Smyth of Walking with Purpose and author of “Rekindled: How Jesus Called Me Back to the Catholic Church and Set My Heart on Fire,” shares her personal testimony of questioning and later returning to the Catholic Church. Mallory discovered her heart had become ablaze with the love of Jesus, accompanied by a passionate desire to share this love with others.

Mallory and Host Lindy Wynne explore many realities that cause heartache and make it hard to be Catholic, like the sex scandal and youth groups children and teens don’t want to attend.

Explore how you can engage more fully in your own relationship with God and our Catholic Church and encourage your children to fall in love when witnessing your own heart on fire for Jesus.

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Losing My Sweet Son Beckett with Stephanie Weinert

In this Lent 2022 Catholic podcast Stephanie Weinert shares the story of her son in Heaven, Beckett. Beckett was unexpectedly diagnosed at birth with Down Syndrome, a heart defect and later lung disease. Stephanie shares how God has spoken to her heart and carried her through this experience, including by whispering Psalm 46:5 into her soul, "God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved."

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A Christmas Special 2021

Merry Christmas from Mamas in Spirit! Listen to sweetness, songs and joy from Lindy's daughters in this final podcast from Season 3. New episodes will be released Lent 2022. May God bless you and yours, always!

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My Car is My Home for Christ

Meg Hunter-Kilmer is known as "Hobo for Christ." In this Advent podcast, Meg shares how she was called to live out of her car and travel around the country sharing the gift of Christ. Meg is a renowned Catholic speaker and author of multiple books, including Pray for Us: 75 Saints Who Sinned, Suffered and Struggled on Their Way to Holiness.

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Focus on Your Faith, Not Your Success

Deacon Charlie Echeverry shares about his experience as a spiritual, biological, adoptive, foster and sponsor father. He shares that our journey is not about being successful in any of the roles we play in life, it's about our faithfulness.

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Raised by My Dad

Teri Carpenter shares how her dad became a single father when Teri was five months old and how he is her rock. Teri talks about meeting her mother, facing infertility, becoming a stepmother and coping with her stepson's addiction. Learn about the moment Teri's stepson was miraculously saved and Teri's vibrant faith in Jesus.

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Adopted as a Teen

Crystal Hernandez was placed in foster care when she was two years old and was adopted when she was a teenager in high school. Crystal shares how God revealed Himself to her throughout the "crucible of foster care" and healed her to live in the freedom of His glorious love.

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Spiritual Friendship

Emily Jaminet shares about the importance of having Christ-centered friendships in which we help one another grow in virtue. Learn all about Emily Jaminet and Michele Faehnle's book The Friendship Project.

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A Heart Attack at 39

Suzanne Durnell shares how having a heart attack at 39 years old transformed her heart spiritually. Learn about Suzanne's miraculous healing after being prayed over on a trip to Medjugorje.

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16 Months in a Detention Center

Amalia Molina Cortina and her husband were detained in a US Detention Center for 16 months while their children were at home alone. Hear how the religious volunteers gave Amalia hope and how she clung to God throughout her ordeal.

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Caring for My Sick Husband

When Leilanie and Michael Marianetti were engaged, Michael was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Hear how Leilanie has been "lavished in grace" by God as she has cared for Michael for twenty-three years.

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Just a Handmaiden

Lizzy shares how God revealed her profound dignity as a daughter of God and healed her of addictions, including pornography. Lizzy has a popular Catholic blog “Just a Handmaiden."

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On Fire with the Holy Spirit

This Pentecost, Father Jon Meyer shares how Christians are called to be on fire with the Holy Spirit--no exceptions. Father Jon Meyer is the Chaplain of Mamas in Spirit.

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Healing From Postpartum Depression

Christina Yep of House of Royals shares her experience with postpartum depression. Christina sought professional help, turned to God in prayer and was blessed with miraculous healing.

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