Posts tagged Lourdes
Our Mother's Radical Love

In this 2021 Lenten podcast, Father Richard Sunwoo explores Mother Mary’s radically open heart and ongoing “yes” to God throughout her life, even in the midst of sorrow and suffering. Mary’s love for God, the Father and Christ wasn’t contingent on her circumstances—the only promise she was ever given was to be the Mother of God.

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Your Life Will Be Good Again

Listen to the wisdom and faith of Mamas in Spirit's new chaplain, Father Jon Meyer! Be uplifted and renewed in hope as Lindy and Jon explore the time of the pandemic, personal stories and scripture to help you open your heart to the healing and transformation of the Holy Spirit.

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The Day Jesus Saved My Life

In this Advent podcast Roy Cooray shares how he could only remember one thing the day that Jesus saved his life. As he was being rushed into life-saving surgery his daughter whispered in his ear, "Hold Jesus on your right and Blessed Mother on your Left." Hear this miraculous story, learn about Roy's visions of the Blessed Mother and hold onto a hope beyond understanding. Themes explored are the Advent Season, Blessed Mother Mary, Jesus Christ, always living in hope, being generous to the poor and prayer.

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