Giving the Gift of You: Dying to Self with Father Jon Meyer, Chaplain of Mamas in Spirit

Learn how to give your life away like Christ and live in the profound freedom and joy of the Lord. 

In this Easter podcast, Chaplain Father Jon Meyer and Lindy Wynne share personal stories about their experiences of dying to self and discovering the supernatural love of God. Father Jon explores his call into priesthood, while Lindy speaks of the ways she has been sharpened as a mother (Lindy is a mother through adoption and two of her children have special needs). 

We are called to self-gift in both our Vocational calls, as well as little dyings to self in our daily lives. May we be emptied of ourselves so that God can fill us with just what we need to love beyond measure. 


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After Alcohol: Finding Joy with Rachel, Member of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Rachel's husband was going to leave here and take their children with him. While Rachel had been deceiving her husband and hiding the extent of her drinking for some time, her recent car accident couldn't be explained away. She was caught.

In this Easter podcast, Rachel looks back on this moment as a gift from God--this was the "rock bottom" she needed to finally get help.

As Rachel engaged in the work needed to become and maintain sobriety, she discovered a greater joy than she could have ever imagined possible. 

Rachel has been an active member of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) for five years. 

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A Passion Sewn in My Heart with Jennifer Orton of Our Next

Jennifer Orton of Our Next first heard the voice of the Holy Spirit when she stepped on foreign soil in Kisumu, Kenya and discovered a mission for her life.

In this Easter podcast, Jennifer shares how she was drawn to Africa to do mission work with orphaned and impoverished children after experiencing a miscarriage--she returned from Kisumu, Kenya with a passion for Christ that was sewn in her heart during her time in "the bush."

Jennifer not only took on a leadership role doing mission work, but also discovered spiritual motherhood—she and her husband, Chris have spiritually adopted and provided for their son Regan who resides with his grandmother in Africa.

Jennifer is the President of Our Next Ministry. Our Next provides education for 450 primary and 150 secondary students, as well as employment for 50 staff members. Jennifer knows that education provides hope and future for the children she so dearly loves. 

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Look for the Joy in Life with Deacon John Froning of Saint Philip Catholic Church

Learn how to look for God's joy every day of your life in this Easter podcast!

Deacon John Froning of Saint Philip Catholic Church in Franklin, TN is filled with the joy of the Lord.

Children line up to receive a blessing from him during the Eucharist. Deacon John wants the adults to know the same thing that he tells the children: God smiles when He thinks of you. And He thinks of you all the time.

Deacon John shares stories from his time as a chaplain that helped him learn the gifts of presence and listening, as well as how to trust fully in the promise of Heaven.

Our lives are filled with little triduums (Good Fridays and Easter Sundays). We must always trust in times of trial that God's redemption is coming.

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Preparing Myself for Heaven with Kathy McLeroy of Celebrating the Saints

Kathy McLeroy of Celebrating the Saints thinks her life could seem sad at first glance--she has lived through four serious illnesses and corresponding treatments over many decades. Kathy had Hodgkins Disease at twenty-one, breast cancer at forty-one, a massive heart attack at forty-six and now metastasized breast cancer. 

While Kathy has faced these trials, she speaks to the wonderful life she has lived due to her faith in God and love of others. 

Kathy trusts that when it is her time God will bring her home. Kathy is not afraid of dying; it is most difficult to leave her family. 

There is no promise for any of us that we will have tomorrow. Kathy encourages listeners to treat each day as precious and live intentionally with those they love. 

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Reaching for Relationships with Erin McCole Cupp of Filled with Good

Erin McCole Cupp shares her journey with food addiction--she began using food as her primary coping mechanism in dealing with childhood trauma.

Erin experienced profound healing through Catholics in Recovery and JP II’s Theology of the Body. It was then that Erin began to reach for relationships rather than food. 

In addition to her own food addiction, Erin explores the many things we reach for compulsively that lead to isolation. Erin encourages us to reach to God and safe relationships to satiate the deepest needs of connection that God designed us for.

Erin’s great personal healing has also had a positive impact on her relationships with her family—Erin focuses on engaging in quality time and communication with those she loves. 

You can reach Erin at and learn all about her program, Filled with Good. 

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Feeling Disconnected in Your Marriage? with Mike and Alicia Hernon of the Messy Family Project

Michael and Alicia Hernon of The Messy Family Project share how to reconnect with your spouse--even when you are feeling like you have no idea how to be close again. 

In this Lenten Podcast, Mike and Alicia explore the choice to be vulnerable with one another, even when they are upset with one another or feeling particularly far apart. Vulnerability is the key ingredient to transformation in marriage. 

Love is a choice to be true to one another in every moment and season of a marriage--Mike and Alicia talk about turning to God in prayer and asking for exactly what is needed to heal difficult circumstances and aspects of your relationship with your spouse. 


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The Miracle Of Going Home with Elaine Drabik

Elaine Drabik was rushed to the hospital after an unexpected seizure. Unknowingly, she had a virus resulting in a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) that left Elaine's family uncertain if she would survive. 

Elaine and her family were blessed with a miracle. While doctors were uncertain if Elaine would ever be well enough to go home, Elaine miraculously returned home on her youngest child's first birthday. She'd healed more than her doctors had even hoped.  

In this Lenten podcast, Elaine shares about the months of recovery in which she spent most of the time alone sleeping and resting due to severe headaches. Throughout these long months Elaine clung to Scripture, as well as the word she heard God speak to her in the hospital: "Okay." Somehow, Elaine knew she would be "okay."

Hear Elaine share how God transformed her heart throughout this tremendous trial. 

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How My Kids in Addiction Brought me to Our Lady with Carol Berry of Celebrating the Saints

As Carol Berry of Celebrating the Saints sat in the silence of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, she felt drawn to an image of a woman she affectionately named "My Girl." 

Soon before being initiated into the Catholic Church, Carol learned "Her Girl" was Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Carol discovered a peace that could only be of God as she faced what seemed to be an insurmountable trial: two children suffering from addiction. Tragically, she lost her daughter to addiction last year and experienced God's profound mercy. 

Carol created Restoring Women’s Outreach, a 12-step based residential sober living program for women who are in search of recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. 

Carol works at St. Bernard’s Abbey in Cullman, Alabama and loves being on “monk time.”

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Preparing My Husband for Heaven with Kendra Tierney of Catholic All Year

Kendra Tierney's husband Jim was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma sixteen years before he passed away last summer. Kendra faced great ambiguity beginning the day Jim was first diagnosed--that very morning Kendra chose to "wait to worry."

God carried and consoled Kendra each day as she trusted in the Lord and radically surrendered to His plan, rather than her own.  

The rich tradition, prayers and Sacraments of our Catholic faith blessed Kendra as she prepared Jim for Heaven, processed all that was unfolding and walked with her children (ages 3-19) through the passing of their father.

Kendra shares intimate moments she witnessed God at work: Jim's last conversation before dying was "a good Confession" and the final thing he saw and ate was the Eucharist. 

Kendra is a Catholic homemaker, homeschooler and mother of ten children. She created Catholic All Year (CAY) to use food, prayer, and conversation based around the liturgical calendar to share the lives of the saints and the beautiful truths and traditions of our Catholic faith.

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Struggling with Your Reality? with Fr. Jon Meyer, Chaplain of Mamas in Spirit

Are you struggling to accept the crosses you carry? This Lenten podcast explores how difficult it can be to face long-term suffering due to circumstances such as death, addiction, broken relationships, illness, mental illness and more.

Father Jon Meyer (Chaplain) and Lindy Wynne (Host) delve into Luke 22:42 when Jesus asks God, "if you are willing, take this cup away from me."

We all have "cups of suffering" we want taken away. Father Jon and Lindy share situations in their own lives that left them wondering how they could possibly get through.

Yet they have learned through their suffering that when we open our hearts, surrender to the will of God and trust Jesus fully that God touches and transforms us with the completeness of His love.  


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Loving Others Where They Are with Fr. Jon Meyer, Chaplain

In this Advent podcast, Fr. Jon Meyer and Lindy Wynne explore how to meet and love others where they are.

Fr. Jon and Lindy talk about self-awareness of one's own internal experience, as well as personal intimacy with God. Loving and meeting others where they are begins with us allowing God to love and meet us where we are first. 

Fr. Jon and Lindy also delve into the intricacies of loving others, especially when it's difficult.

Listeners are reminded that every Christmas is a new Christmas to love--Christ invites us to experience God's love reborn in our hearts time and time again. 

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Vessels of the Holy Spirit with John Angotti

John Angotti reaches out and connects others to God by creating and telling stories with his music for worship and liturgy.

In this Advent podcast, John shares about his experience as an adopted son and journey of healing with both his adoptive and biological parents. John discovered that separation anxiety has been a core struggle thorughout his life, due to being removed from his birth mother and kept in the hospital for months after his birth.

John shares how we all experience separation anxiety in some way due to our separation from God while on Earth. Yet, John reminds listeners that, ultimately, “we dwell in God and God dwells in us.” We are meant to be vessels of the Holy Spirit to share the love of God throughout our lifetimes. 

John sings his new song, "There's Life After Hell."

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Segregated as a Child with Daisy Broughton

Miss Daisy Broughton was a child in Franklin, Tennessee during racial segregation. She tells stories of her experience and talks about how loving or hating a person has nothing to do with the color of their skin.

Miss Daisy shares, "People would say they loved Christ, but they disliked me because of the color of my skin. That's a contradiction, because Christ loved everybody."

Martin Luther King Junior's example and words speak deeply to Miss Daisy about the love of God and how we don't have to like everybody, but we do need to love everyone--each human person is a child of God.

Miss Daisy shares how the meaning of Advent is to prepare for Jesus to come into our hearts again.

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Homeless and Hopeful with Charlie Vos

Charli Vos is experiencing homelessness and receiving help in city shelters.

Charli was raised in a violent and segregated town in Texas and experienced human trafficking as a child. She was abused from the time she was very young until she left her biological family when she was about thirty years old. Charli unknowingly had PTSD and utilized drugs and alcohol for many years to mentally escape her circumstances.

Charli hit rock bottom and started rehabilitation. She has been sober since 2013.

Charli attributes her miraculous healing to God and relies on her Catholic faith to navigate each day and share the love of God with others. Charli is grateful to have adopted the Holy Family as her own.

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A Thanksgiving Wish with Lindy's Daughter's

Lindy's daughters join her to wish you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving!

The Mamas in Spirit Advent Series begins on November 25th. Open your heart to God in a way you never have before!

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Losing My Baby Girl with Elizabeth Abaray

Elizabeth Abaray shares the story of losing her beloved baby girl, Delia Grace, and the unfathomable sorrow of losing a child. She talks about how when we allow God to change us through our suffering, we become more of who God created us to be.

Elizabeth explores the importance of walking with one another and using our pain for the greater glory of God.

Elizabeth has written a children’s book "Hugs for You, Kisses for You." It is a resource for children ages seven and under to support them during times of loss and to help them to know that nothing--not even death--can separate us from those we love.

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A Little Bit of Hope with Michelle Huntley, LMFT

The deepest desire of Michelle Huntley’s heart was to get married and have children. Yet for many years this dream was not realized and Michelle struggled.

Michelle describes how not finding the right man to marry touched on a childhood wound of feeling unworthy and unloveable. Michelle felt drawn to be silent, pray and trust the Lord in her pain. Hear about Michelle’s journey and how God healed this wound with His love.

Michelle is now preparing for the Sacrament of marriage. Please pray for Michelle and her fiancee!

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Combatting the Crisis of Masculinity with Father Jon Meyer and Brian Wynne

Father Jon Meyer, Chaplain of Mamas in Spirit and Brian Wynne explore the current crisis of masculinity in our culture. They share how manhood is a total gift of self with Saint Joseph as a model and Christ as the ultimate model.

Father Jon and Brian also talk about ways to combat the crisis of masculinity with specific suggestions: building men and boys up, encouraging men and boys to identify role models they can spend time with, encouraging men to attend men's retreats and small groups, praying for our men and encouraging them to pray with and for one another.

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