Posts tagged Camp Chosatonga
Jesus' Love Letter with Anne Trufant of Mission on the Mountain

Anne Trufant was sixteen and only went to Catholic summer camp to find the “cute boy in the room.”

However, when Anne finally got the chance to dance with the cutest boy at camp, she looked up and didn’t see the boy—she saw Jesus. This moment changed her life forever.

Anne went home and couldn’t get enough of what a seminarian referred to at camp as “Jesus’ Love Letter.” She soaked Scripture in daily and, about 50 years later, continues to do so. 

Anne’s personal relationship with Christ has led her to create a home for women who are pregnant and in crisis, do missionary work in Kenya, establish a Catholic summer camp in North Carolina and develop an online ministry centered in the Bible.

Anne pours out Scripture passages embedded in her heart, personal stories of God’s supernatural blessing of peace and phenomenal mama wisdom in this inspiring podcast.

Learn all about Anne’s summer camp and ministry at

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