Posts tagged Emily
Mamas in Spirit God Sought Me in My Sorrow with Emily Adams of The Little Souls

When Emily and her husband went to a routine sonogram appointment seventeen weeks into her pregnancy, the technician struggled to find a heartbeat. 

They were told they’d have to wait two hours for an ultrasound technician to take a closer look in the hope their baby was okay.

Emily knew she needed to go somewhere she felt safe—they were close to The Cathedral of the Incarnation in Nashville. Emily and her husband headed to the noon Mass to wait.

While Emily felt wrapped in the sacredness of the Mass, she also was overwhelmed with worry and sorrow. Deep down she knew there would be no heartbeat as she prayed the Angelus “Be it done to me according to Thy word.”

Once it was confirmed the baby had no heartbeat, Emily knew she would deliver baby John David. She and her husband wanted to hold him.

Hear how God sought Emily through sorrow as she experienced His consolation and call to help others heal from sorrow.

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